Endo Assisting Amplified


Endo Assisting Amplified


3 Month minimum access

Welcome to Endo Assisting Amplified, the online course designed specifically for dental assistants looking to excel in endodontic procedures. Whether you're a seasoned assistant or just starting your career, my comprehensive program will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to become a valuable asset in any endodontic practice.

Do you want to increase patient satisfaction?

Do you want to increase efficiency and profitability within your practice?

Do you want your assistant trained by a professional and just do NOT have the time to do it? 

I am here to support YOU!


What you will learn

Module 1: The Endodontic Evaluation

  • The evaluation process: step by step
  • How important it is to conduct an evaluation before treatment is started
  • Why it is so important for you to also understand the diagnosis along with your doctor. 

Module 2: Pulpal and Periapical Diagnosis

  • Pulpal diagnosis 
  • Periapical diagnosis
  • During the evaluation, how to put the two together from the x-rays and clinical testing. 

Module 3: Files, Burs and Clamps

  • Handfiles: The different color sequence and what that means
  • The file sequence for an initial root canal
  • Which files would be used for a retreatment case 
  • The different cases that could possible require other files to be added into your sequence
  • The burs that are used and what they are used for and how to set this up for your doctor
  • The different clamps that are used and what teeth the specific clamps work best with

Module 4: How to take Amazing x-rays

  • How to tell what is a good x-ray vs. a bad one
  • How to fix your x-ray if you are stuck with a conecut, an elongated image or a foreshortened image
  • How to take an x-ray on a patient with a bad gag reflex
  • How to get that apex on the first try
  • What is the SLOB rule and how will that help your dentist
  • How to take x-rays without the XCP device and tips on how to split the canals when doing endo.

Module 5: The Importance of operatory set up and checklists

  • The operatory setup
  • The specific instruments, name and order number
  • Handpieces used during the procedure and what they are used for
  • Where things go for complete procedure setup
  • How you can organize your set up to make things efficient
  • And checklists that you can make and use in order to make the process easy and efficient everyday!

Module 6: Seating the patient

  • What to do before the patient is seated in the room
  • Seating the patient and creating expectations for the procedure
  • What medications you should give them and the WHY behind it. 
  • How and where to place topical for Maxillary and Mandibular teeth
  • The importance of creating a hand signal for your patient 
  • Why you should have a “Time out” with the doctor before the numbing process is started. 

Module 7: The Sequence of treatment

  • In this module you will be learning the actual sequence of treatment so that you can be intentional throughout treatment knowing what exactly the doctor needs EVERY STEP OF THE WAY! 

Module 8: Giving post-op instructions and setting patient expectations

  • What the patient should expect after the root canal procedure
  • How the patient should manage their discomfort
  • How long the patient should expect to be numb
  • What the next steps are postoperatively if the patient needs to see their dentist for a filling or a crown
  • If the patient has swelling after treatment, what to expect and what to do at that time.
  • What to do if the patient needs to get in touch with your office in the instance of an emergency after hours. 

Become a ROCKSTAR dental assistant; build a high-paying career that shines!

For Dentist who are looking to improve your Endodontic skills, look no further! Make sure to check out this award winning online course for general dentists: E-SCHOOL with board certified Endodontist Dr. Sonia Chopra
It helps dentists become confident in endodontics, improve their outcomes and diagnosis skills, reduce their chair time, make more money, and save more teeth.Click the links below to find out how to enroll!

E-School with Coaching

E-School Independent

For the BEST outcome have your dental assistants go through Endo Assisting Amplified while you are taking E-School that way you AND your assistant are on the SAME page!

That is what creates TEAM DRIVEN ENDODONTICS!

Advance Your Career: Stand out in the competitive field of dental assisting by specializing in endodontics.

Increase Practice Efficiency: Enhance your ability to assist during endodontic procedures, streamlining workflow and improving patient outcomes.

Flexible Learning: Access course materials online from anywhere, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience.

Expert Instruction: Learn from an experienced endodontic assistant who is dedicated to your success.

Ready to Elevate Your Skills?

Join Endo Assisting Amplified today!

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